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The property development industry is always changing.  

complete, imaginative, expert, diligent, thorough, affordable, dynamic.


Prior to property purchase

Successful property development starts with buying the right property and optimising its development potential. aup town planning are site selection and development options/feasibility experts. We reduce uncertainty and risk and increase potential financial gains even before you buy a property.



​​​aup offers developers an alternative to the 'standard' service model - increasing 'certainty', while reducing the costs and time needed to get approvals. For example, we offer staged and flexible terms of engagement and payment, and a 'no-permit-no-fee' guarantee.



​​If Council, or any other public authority, insists you do - or refrain from doing - something with, to, or on your land - or threatens to issue an enforcement notice or take legal action - don't assume they're right. Get independent and expert advice from aup.     




As the Sunshine Coast evolves into a major city 'change resistance' will become a greater impediment to progressive, innovative, and diverse, land use, property development and building design. Our practice is based on more than a decade's experience working in Australia's largest, most dynamic, innovative, and contested property development market. More than any other town planning consultants, we can get approvals for novel, innovative, and non-compliant land use, development, and building deigns


Our Principal, Tony Comrie has prepared expert town planning submissions and advice for valuations and estate settlement disputes and appeared as an expert witness on many occasions. He is also an expert strategic planner - capable of developing and reviewing planning scheme amendments.

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Protecting property interests

Innovative/non-standard development

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Expert planning evidence and advice

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My name is Tony Comrie. I own aup town planning. I've been a town planner since 2002.

Before returning to Queensland I worked in Melbourne, Australia's largest, most competitive, innovative, and dynamic property development market. 

I've worked for State and local government authorities, building designers/builders, and as a planning consultant.

I've advised and worked for multiple national property development consortiums and helped more smaller developers achieve their property development goals than I can count.  

As the Sunshine Coast evolves into a proper 'city' land use and development practices and services must modernise and adapt.

aup town planning has the experience, expertise, knowledge, and skills to operate within highly complex, diverse, and rapidly changing urban environments. 

Contact us

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