Minimise investment risk and costs, and maximise your potential financial gains - before buying a property
Access maps and guides to find suitable properties for all types of developments.
Make sure there are no prohibitions or constraints on the use/development of properties.
Find out all the ways a property can be used and developed - including hidden options - to maximise its development potential and financial gains.
find out if you're likely to get a planning permit for any property use or development.
Finding sites
Due diligence
Development options assessments
Development feasibilty
Risk and property development
Property development, as with any form of investments, has risks associated with it. You should be able to rely on your town planning consultant to know now to minimise these risks (while increasing your financial gains/achieving your development goals).
Site purchase is the first thing to consider.
Even before wondering what you're going to do with a property there are something you need to make sure of.
aup town planning are highly experienced and expert at performing a range of tests and checks - starting with 'due diligence'.